Sleeping Princess Yum Yum

"Bang!" goes another kanga on the bonnet of the van/ see the light ram through the gaps in the land/ many an Aborigine's mistaken for a tree/ Til' you near him on the motorway and the tree begins/ to breathe/ Coming in with the golden light/ In the morning/ Coming in with the golden light/ Is the New Man/ Coming in with the golden light/ Is my dented van/ Woomera. "Dree-ee-ee-ee-ee- A-a-a-a-a- M-m-m-m-m- Ti-ti-ti-ti-ti- I-i-i-i-i- Me-me-me-me-me,"

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

The kitkatklub

LH and I are in a museum. We are making our way through dark passageways and scores of tourists. Sometimes I am with her in the museum and sometimes I am outside scaling the walls. I am jumping over concrete barriers and climbing through bushes and vines. Sometimes I look back and see that there was an easier way to get through where I was and that I had taken the long way. LH and I walk through a door and find ourselves in the main room of the museum where people enter. I see families with children and balloons. The ceiling is glass and above us appears to be ocean. There are beautiful colored fish swimming above us. The doors are designed to be the mouth of an animal - like a giant version of the cartoon where the *jack benny* mouse takes his wife to the *kitkatclub*. The breadth and height of the room and mouth are just stunning. There are even stalactite canine teeth hanging down from the ceiling.

I am driving through the streets and I am speeding through yellow lights. When we get to the park it's no longer me driving, but V. There is no parking, but he says "bob" told him a secret underground place to park and he backs the convertible expertly into a narrow doorway and pushes it with no gas around tight curves into a parking space. When we climb the steps, they open out onto a green grassy field and the dogs go running as fast as they can. As I watch them go I am thinking that it's nice not to have to worry about them. A mother is playing with her children who have yellow balloons, and she doesn't even turn around as the dogs run past her. We walk to a snack bar and order beer. I order a beer that has a Latin name and it is heavy and delicious and perfect for the warm weather. V says that *bob* is outside with the dogs. I don't know *bob* but I see him through the glass and he looks familiar. I don't know who we are with but they are all men and the table is full.


  • At 10:07 AM, Blogger Ariock said…

    I am playing Fall of Nations, an online text-based strategy/war game that is 100% PVP, and I see that another beekeeper is also online. Apparently, this beekeeper and I are in a guild together. My guild, the MuteAssassins, are at war with the GeorgeWBush guild. I decide that we should challenge them to battle.

    My guildmate and I face off against two of our enemies in a 3D First-person-shooter game. The map is something out of Half-Life 2, the match type is similar to CounterStrike, and all of the player models and weapons are from Halo 2. We are blue. They are red.

    As we rush toward the red team, I see that they are using Covenant Elite avatars. Unfortunately, my partner gets caught in their crossfire and is out. I toss a plasma grenade and take one of them out. The remaining Elite and I continue to battle with SMGs, but we are both out of grenades. While chasing him around the map, I finally literally corner him in a room. He is holed up in one corner of the room, while I duck in and out of the door unloading clips at him. I soon run out of bullets, but I realize immediately that he is out of ammo too. So I switch to my blue sharpie pen, and run up and use the sharpie lunge to dispatch my enemy. As I finish him off, I can hear the cheering of the rest of my guild...all beekeepers...all friends.

    There is another round since it is a best of 3 match, but the enemy is demoralized. As I am hiding in the rafters of a room, with my teammate below, we manage to eliminate both of them as they come through the door. They barely get off a shot. We are victorious and return to receive the congratulations of our guild.


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