Sleeping Princess Yum Yum

"Bang!" goes another kanga on the bonnet of the van/ see the light ram through the gaps in the land/ many an Aborigine's mistaken for a tree/ Til' you near him on the motorway and the tree begins/ to breathe/ Coming in with the golden light/ In the morning/ Coming in with the golden light/ Is the New Man/ Coming in with the golden light/ Is my dented van/ Woomera. "Dree-ee-ee-ee-ee- A-a-a-a-a- M-m-m-m-m- Ti-ti-ti-ti-ti- I-i-i-i-i- Me-me-me-me-me,"

Friday, December 10, 2004

"ahem, You are Horrible so please stop."

They are all lined up on either side of the pool. I run and dive into the water and swim along the bottom looking up at everyone's legs. We are supposed to be lining up boy girl boy girl and I pop up along the side in a spot. Now the people are children and a boy is crying so I motion for him to take the spot next to me.

There are magazine pictures walking by me - people on their way to musical award ceremonies. They are not ripped out, but cut like someone is going to make decoupage.

Somebody's mother has been walking with us on our adventures. She is horrible and mean and so I tell her so. At first she is defensive, but I take her by the arm and ask her to hear me out. I explain my case and how I empathize with her situation and I watch as I speak she visually relaxes and starts to smile a little bit even. Before I know it we are fast friends and holding hands as we climb over rocks.


  • At 8:28 AM, Blogger Jane said…

    It's election day. Local elections. I live at home with my parents in New Jersey, although I am 4th year Ph.D. student in California.

    The other day, in a moment of spontaneous "Why not?", I submitted my name to appear on the ballot. It was the last possible moment to submit your name. Surprisingly, there were not official requirements or process to walk through. Not a petition, no paperwork. Not even a "Why I want to be on the city council" essay, which by the way is the position I submitted my name for.

    Today my name appears on the ballot, under a woman named Lauren something. Jane McGonigal. It is now the afternoon of the elections and I hope desperately no one notices my name on the ballot. I hope my parents don't notice. I hope Lauren gets elected and no one notices the goofy thing I did.

    Of course I also hope that thousands of people look at my name and think, "Jane McGonigal, why not? That sounds like a good city councilwoman name."

    I open the local paper and there is a huge section devoted to today's candidates. Even though I was last minute and didn't submit any information about myself, there is a blurb about me. The writer says it's good news that Jane McGonigal is running, and that he hopes if elected I will still have time to finish my Ph.D. even though I'll be city councilwoman in another state.

    My dad comes home from the local high school where he teaches. They celebrate election day by bringing in baked goods, and he has brought home all the leftover baked goods. There are 3 kinds of baked goods. One is a meringue-like blob, sort of like an over-sized meringue inkblot. Another is a dark chewy (non-chocolate) cookie with a layer of whipped cream-like frosting on top. I eat a lot of those and then I have a meringue cookie.


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