Sleeping Princess Yum Yum

"Bang!" goes another kanga on the bonnet of the van/ see the light ram through the gaps in the land/ many an Aborigine's mistaken for a tree/ Til' you near him on the motorway and the tree begins/ to breathe/ Coming in with the golden light/ In the morning/ Coming in with the golden light/ Is the New Man/ Coming in with the golden light/ Is my dented van/ Woomera. "Dree-ee-ee-ee-ee- A-a-a-a-a- M-m-m-m-m- Ti-ti-ti-ti-ti- I-i-i-i-i- Me-me-me-me-me,"

Thursday, November 18, 2004

He shouted out "I'm all yours - babushka babushka babushka ya ya"

I am in a room full of models watching their portfolios get projected on a screen. All the pictures are artistic and stunning. Each girl is unusual looking. We stand in 2 straight lines facing each other and someone is talking turkish. Then I see greek letters flying across the room like they are in the wind. I wish that my spanish was better so I could talk fluently. We turn to the right and massage the shoulders of the girl in front of us. I hate doing this because I am good at it and I always get gyped on my massage. Sure enough the person behind me pushes down on my shoulders instead of massaging them and keeps knocking me to the ground. She is a huge fat woman in a babushka and it's hard for me to stay on my feet with her pushing me.


  • At 12:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Please pardon the following psycho-analysis, as I'm insane...

    Maybe this was a dream about disconnectedness (or forging connection despite disconnection) between people...either between yourself and others, or between all people in general.

    Linguistic characters flying through the air; people's portfolio's being projected on a screen rather than being held and read; the contrast between "models" and the "fat woman" trying to give you a massage. These could all be representations of the same thing.

    The idea of giving but not receiving what you give in return (from a person who despite their best efforts is pushing you to the ground, no less) could also be telling, especially when the notion of comparing the quality of massages is coupled with the theme of an audition.

    Or, you might have slept on your neck wrong and needed a massage really bad in your sleep. ;) Who knows?


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