Sleeping Princess Yum Yum

"Bang!" goes another kanga on the bonnet of the van/ see the light ram through the gaps in the land/ many an Aborigine's mistaken for a tree/ Til' you near him on the motorway and the tree begins/ to breathe/ Coming in with the golden light/ In the morning/ Coming in with the golden light/ Is the New Man/ Coming in with the golden light/ Is my dented van/ Woomera. "Dree-ee-ee-ee-ee- A-a-a-a-a- M-m-m-m-m- Ti-ti-ti-ti-ti- I-i-i-i-i- Me-me-me-me-me,"

Saturday, November 06, 2004

It's quite clear, Jennifer

Walking down 25th and Park Ave - the restaurant is on the wrong side - and my cousin MF is sitting having drinks. We wave to each other and smile and I rappel up the side of the building. I jump in an office window and Jennifer Garner is standing there. We have to unhook wires and cables from her and she tells me her body aches. I check a USB port connected to a box on her belt and ask her if she remembers yesterday. She says no and I tell her they kidnapped her and replaced her bones with metal to use her as a bomb. Her body hurts because they dropped her from the top of a 5th story window.


  • At 5:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Makes sense...


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