Sleeping Princess Yum Yum

"Bang!" goes another kanga on the bonnet of the van/ see the light ram through the gaps in the land/ many an Aborigine's mistaken for a tree/ Til' you near him on the motorway and the tree begins/ to breathe/ Coming in with the golden light/ In the morning/ Coming in with the golden light/ Is the New Man/ Coming in with the golden light/ Is my dented van/ Woomera. "Dree-ee-ee-ee-ee- A-a-a-a-a- M-m-m-m-m- Ti-ti-ti-ti-ti- I-i-i-i-i- Me-me-me-me-me,"

Friday, January 21, 2005

Scooby Doo.... where are you?

i am at a wedding. I am in a wedding. I am wearing a blue bridesmaid dress and we are toasting the bride - but we all have liqueur - mine looks like raspberry schnapps. The groom is sitting to my left which I think is strange - he should be sitting downstairs with the bride.... They play their first song and it's something by the cocteau twins.

Then I am running from someone. We are trying to figure out a mystery before they find us and kill us. We have to be somewhere called Revere and the old lady prints it in the daily news of the town - she wasn't supposed to give the details and now they are hot on our trail. We climb the steps of an old colonial house to where there is a mausoleum and the ghost inside comes screaming out - chasing us down the stairs.

There is a casino and they are watching. I have to count mountains of dimes and quarters.


  • At 3:49 PM, Blogger MondoPest said…

    Dark FateWe jump into the dark foreboding grass,
    to meet our certain fate of brothers past.
    Orders sent down by men not known but brass,
    to charge so brave might mean cut down so fast.
    The sky sheds tears of pain in nigh of death,
    thus stings our eyes like knives of knowing act.
    The knowledge that our acts are that of death,
    death's claim on us seems strong as blinding fact.
    The ground, once sweet, now sour by man's foul state,
    turns red with sorrow's blood at our dark path.
    Life giving grass, now charred by days dark fate,
    so on we go and face weeping God's wrath.
    Today we go confront enemies face,
    and find that he is we, the human race.

    By Me

  • At 2:04 PM, Blogger hmrpita said…

    KR and I are IMing about how busy she is with various things. Suddenly, even though she lives many hours away, she decides to drop everything and come get me to take me with her to a special screening/award/ILB event that is taking place in an hour somewhere in the city. I need to take a shower and am concerned about being ready before she arrives.

    Then I am at this event (KR has disappeared) and I have not showered and I feel very dirty and yucky. I am wearing my West Coast Live hat, my hair in a ponytail sticking out the back hole of the hat. I am outside of a movie theatre and I do not have a ticket to get in. A couple of Beekeepers come by and we sneak inside. They are being kind of standoffish, yet, at the same time, seem to want me to be with them. The theatre has seats in the middle section, but on the sides, where we go, we have to sit on the floor, which is steeply angled. The screen in front is white and I wonder what is going to be shown. The two standoffish Beekeepers are conversing with each other and don't even attempt to include me. They are not recognizable as anyone I actually know. I feel ill at ease and want to leave.

  • At 12:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm in the grocery store, shopping. I come out of an aisle and run smack into YumYum.

    That's it. I was so surprised I woke up!

  • At 12:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hmm, I should have added that the above comment is from Phaedra.


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