Sleeping Princess Yum Yum

"Bang!" goes another kanga on the bonnet of the van/ see the light ram through the gaps in the land/ many an Aborigine's mistaken for a tree/ Til' you near him on the motorway and the tree begins/ to breathe/ Coming in with the golden light/ In the morning/ Coming in with the golden light/ Is the New Man/ Coming in with the golden light/ Is my dented van/ Woomera. "Dree-ee-ee-ee-ee- A-a-a-a-a- M-m-m-m-m- Ti-ti-ti-ti-ti- I-i-i-i-i- Me-me-me-me-me,"

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Biking at the Harbour

There is a show going on at the harbor and I am riding my bike by it. It's a fireworks display. Trying to make my way through crowd - there is supposed to be a 530 show someone near me says but I know they are wrong because that's soon and it's still too light out for fireworks. I get to the top of an escalator and I try to lock my bike by a payphone but there is nothing to lock it to. I keep having to move out of the way and I am not interested in the fireworks. I see a camera sweep by and I catch a glimpse of a bride being pulled across a dance floor by her groom.

Saturday, October 30, 2004

Attention Wal Mart Shoppers

Crossing a bridge and there is an event happening. A heavily made up woman with tight curly hair is wearing the dance costume I wore as a child when I played the little wooden doll. I pass them and don't say anything. When I am walking back over I am with a man and I ask him what is going on. It looks like people are gathered around the woman now asking for autographs. He says "don't you recognize her? It's BC" and I cringe and try to pass by again without her seeing me.

I pull up to a bakery that inside is how Giffords was in my child's mind. There are pastries in the glass and they are beautiful. It's connected to a Wal-Mart kind of mall. There is a doorway that leads into the mall and it is crowded and belies the beauty of the patisserie. The girl behind the counter does not want to help me. I ask her for some cookies for my father and she gives me three of a kind I do not want in a tiny tacky bag that says "happy birthday". Hidden behind commercial packages for m&m creations I see cookies that look like the pumpkin shaped cookies they used to have at La Delice on 27th and 3rd Ave. I ask her if I can buy some and she pulls them out using her fingers, hands one to me and walks away. I follow her into the mall and say in my best meanest voice over the intercom - will the manager please come to the front to discuss the conduct of employee casey.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Intellectual Property

we are walking through html code, stepping over <<<<>>> I say i wish I could see what it created. EL tells me it's rooms with one way glass and that he can see into people's computers but not if they are taking a shower. I hand him letters and he places them carefully in the stream of code going by us.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

"Feel the boy in me escape...."

Hallways with windows looking into rooms, twists and turns that torque your knees. A room where they shoot you and the shot turns into a face made of powder. The face is being played by Matthew Broderick. The man next to me tells me that Samuel L. Jackson is also going to be in it, but I never see him. The Murderer is using the 2 fuse boxes next to her apartment to store her personal items. I notice them on top of the light blue and mint green painted boxes and open the doors to see letters, tchotchkies and jewelry. I leave the door open to be spiteful and hope someone will steal her things. Serves her right. I go down the stairwell and remember that I have chocolate chip cookies in the oven. They have just started to cook and so I guesstimate that I should leave them in the oven for 5 more minutes. At the bottom of the stairwell -- a set of car/house keys in the leaves - the murderer has dropped them. I hide them under a wreath of leaves. She deserves everything bad that happens to her and if I can help it along then good. There is a redheaded woman in a grey pinstriped suit standing by the stairwell. She laughs. When I come upstairs the doors to the fuse boxes have been closed again. I tell VR about it and he grabs a crowbar and pulls the boxes down.

I am in my parent's bedroom in the apartment I grew up in. There is a free gift. A giant yellow circle with the names of songs on the side and buttons like a tape recorder. I press the one that says "Take a Walk" and it's Neil Finn and Eddie Vedder from the 7 Worlds Collide Album but the artist is listed as Operator.

Monday, October 25, 2004

Array of Spices

Not too clear this a.m. A spice market with millions of vats full of colored powders and running through a train station. It's rainy and I'm worried about.... what?

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Raiding Nicole's Pastries

I am in a huge house. There are many steps and Nicole Kidman is sleeping on a bed that looks like the one in the movie "The Others". They are still working on the set and a circular saw cuts the headboard in two - spraying her with sawdust and suddenly she's awake. I run down the steps where they are having a gathering of some kind of women and everyone is wearing beautiful dresses. I go into the kitchen where there are boxes of pastries. Apple crumble and gorgeous birthday cakes and a cheesecake too. I eat as much as I want. She can always buy more.